Support Excellence and Community — The Denver Difference

Signature Events
DU holds 1DAY4DU, Founders Celebration, Homecoming, HocktoberFEST, and numerous other local and regional events over the course of the year. Explore and learn more about DU alumni events, programs and opportunities to connect!

Impact Pieces
At DU, we’re constantly proving our mettle as a world-class university for top faculty and high-performing students. Leaders come to DU to change lives and shape the future. Explore the impact of generosity and how The Denver Difference is coming to life.
The Denver Difference
At DU, we took a good, long look at the future of higher education. And thought: we can do better. We’re doing higher education our way. Holistically. Developing the whole person – focusing on intellectual growth, life purpose, character, and well-being.

University Advancement | | 2199 S. University Blvd. | Denver, CO 80208